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A wise and inspiring guide to parenting through the extraordinary- and at times tumultuous-journey that is the adolescent and teenage years. 

When Tom Sturges became a father, he decided that he wanted to be one of the greatest father that ever walked the earth. But things became a bit more complicated when his older son turned ten, and the chatty kid he’d known suddenly started locking his bedroom door. Tom realized he needed to find a way to stay on track-he needed crib notes. So, if a parenting idea of technique worked well, he wrote it down. And if he stumbled across something another parent did that was particularly ingenious or exemplary, he wrote that down, too. In Grow the Tree You Got, Tom presents “golden rules” for raising happy, healthy, and compassionate adults. His mantra? It’s impossible to show our children too much respect, but it’s worth the effort to try.

“Tom Sturges’s book is a wonderful road map to evolved parenting that everyone will find invaluable.”
—Clive Davis

“This is a subject of interest to every parent of teenagers, and Tom Sturges tells it like it is, from personal experience.”
—Hugh Hefner

“Tom has written a book that encourages parents to help their kids follow their dreams to a successful life. It is a thoughtful and timely aid for anyone trying to raise children. Give it a read!”
—Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


Grow the Tree You Got

For media inquiries,
please contact,

Megan Swartz Gellert, 


646-493-1417 |

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© 2021 Tom Sturges

Design | Danielle Stein


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